Earth System Modelling

Earth system models are a central tool for fostering the understanding of our planet. Models allow us to combine process knowledge with numerous observations and serve as a digital laboratory that enables
us to conduct experiments that are impossible in the real world, such as simulating the impact of
anthropogenic or climatic changes. Models are powerful tools that directly support policy and

In our group, we thrive to (1) develop methods to rigorously understand increasingly complex models,
(2) make these complex tools more FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse), and (3) increase our knowledge of the global water cycle especially in the context of global change. Our vision is to transform how we build, use, share, and analyze complex Earth system models to 1) achieve an improved understanding of large-scale processes and 2) provide more robust risk assessments and identify pathways to sustainability.



We are always in search for motivated students and colleagues. Feel free to approach us with your topic anytime.


AG Ausflug 2024
Working group trip 2024


List of publications on researchgate